For my love, on our small raft

Feb 28, 2021


Can you remember when we laid upside down?
Or when I kissed you over the pillars of salt?
I’m drunk on rum and Pepsi
and your curved back and bare thighs
excite my fluttering heart.
The pier! Watch it against the beating waves,
We walk the dark toward it,
Your beating heart in my hand.
And so many stairs! The rain has dusted
our whispers, castles have sprouted —
today i discover sand between my toes
and your laughter upon the sea breeze.
tomorrow will be an early morning. Your
skin as amber as the dawn, your head
nestled upon my chest, ours is a raft of carbonized flowers.
My love, adrift at sea I dream of
orange orchids and purple sunrises.
My love, a crescent moon rises upon us,
and you sleep too sweetly to wake.




"Men and women and the earth and all upon it are simply to be taken as they are."